Assessment is a process that is integral to nurturing critically thoughtful learners. Figure 3 is a visual representation of the blending of critical thinking and assessment practices. They are companion processes that work together to support and nurture critically thoughtful learners.

Figure 3: Assessing Student Learning in the Classroom. Click to Enlarge
Provide Critical Challenges
When the instructional program contains authentic critical challenges that are solidly linked to the learner outcomes, students see greater purpose in their work and take more ownership for their learning.
Teach the Tools
Instruction becomes less focused on imparting knowledge and more focused on providing students with intellectual tools that can be applied in multiple contexts.
Assess for the Tools
Students become active participants in the assessment process. Formative and summative feedback tools provide opportunities for students to think critically about their work and set about to make improvements.
Create a Community of Thinkers
Learning becomes the goal rather than external indicators such as grades. Students value feedback from others as a way to improve learning. Cooperation replaces competition as students learn and practice valuable life skills such as collaboration, self reflection and goal setting.
Authentic instruction and assessment that is grounded in the principles of critical thinking support the goals of the Alberta Social Studies Program of Studies. They work in tandem to help students become engaged, active, informed and responsible citizens who are able to think critically about everything that they do in school and beyond.