Lieutenant Governor Images Collection
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Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, His Honour Norman L. Kwong, presenting Alberta Order of Excellence (AOE) medal to Gary McPherson of Edmonton (June 14, 2007)
The Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, His Honour Norman L. Kwong, with his aides de camp and the 2007 Alberta Order of Excellence (AOE) recipients |
Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, His Honour Norman L. Kwong, presenting Alberta Order of Excellence (AOE) medal to Chief Victor Buffalo of Samson Cree First Nation (June 14, 2007)
Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, His Honour Norman L. Kwong, greeting new Canadian citizens at Canada Day Citizenship Ceremony on Legislature Grounds (July 1, 2007)
The Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Kwong greet Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, as she arrives at a reception at Government House during the spring 2005 Royal visit.
His Honour Norman L. Kwong, the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, reading the Speech from the Throne (from the Throne Chair) to open the Third Session of the Twenty-Sixth Alberta Legislature.
The descriptions have been provided by the photographer, and have not been edited by Alberta Education.