The Modelling the Tools lessons can be used for a range of grade levels.
This chart contains the learner outcomes for Kindergarten. Check the
current program of studies when using this lesson sequence with other
Criteria for Evaluation
Students provide evidence of their learning as they:
Related Learner
show empathy
Specific Outcome K.1.2.1
Students will appreciate feelings, ideas, stories and experiences
shared by others
Specific Outcome K.2.3.2
Students will appreciate the impact that group members have
on each other
suggest ideas
Specific Outcome K.1.4.2
How can we show interest and sensitivity toward social, physical,
cultural and linguistic diversity in the school, groups and communities
Specific Outcome K.1.4.4
How can we show respect and acceptance of people as they are?
Specific Outcome K.S.4.1
Students will provide ideas and strategies to contribute to
decision making and problem solving
make a decision
Specific Outcome K.2.3.4
Students will assume responsibility for personal actions, words
and choices
Specific Outcome K.S.5.1
Students will consider the needs of others
The Rating Scale for Learning to Be a Friend provides
teachers with an evaluation tool to record information as to how
independent students are when demonstrating the criteria for this
task. The rating scale describes what the expected behaviours look
like and provides a place for teachers to give specific and descriptive
feedback to support the rating. Feedback can identify what the student
is doing well as well as identify areas for continued growth.
This rating scale could be revisited at a later point in the year to
determine student progress towards attainment of the learner outcomes.