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Peru Images Collection

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Displaying Images 81-89.
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Peru Image 81

#81 Trujillo
A Peruvian news crew interviewing people at a political demonstration in Trujillo.    

Peru Image 82

#82 Uros
The Islas Flotantes, or Floating Islands, of the Uros people (Lake Titicaca) are actually manmade using layers of reed. As the reeds rot from below, new layers are added on top. One advantage to living on these islands is that the Uros people do not pay any land taxes. Walking on the islands is a rather spongy adventure, and if you sit still you can feel the slow movement of the water beneath you.    

Peru Image 83

#83 Uros
On the floating islands the people even plant gardens; here a small potato garden grows nicely.    

Peru Image 84

#84 Uros
Reeds are used by the Uros people for many necessities, including boats. These large boats often have large heads shaped as pumas.    

Peru Image 85

#85 Uros
Born and raised on the floating islands, the Uros people maintain this traditional lifestyle.    

Peru Image 86

#86 Uros
Schools on floating islands require students to take a boat to get to their classes.    

Peru Image 87

#87 Uros
The colourful tapestries of the Uros people depict sacred animals and designs as well as their traditional customs.    

Peru Image 88

#88 Cusco
A woman and her grandson watch her son's soccer game near Cusco.    

Peru Image 89

Throughout Peru the traditional lifestyle is changing. Modernity shows its influence even in the remote areas of the Amazon basin.   

Reproduced with permission from DiversityWorks Publishing.

Image Collection photographs may be used freely in any non-profit educational context provided a credit to the source is included in your work. Any other use requires written permission from the copyright holder. Third-party images are identified by a credit to the copyright holder.

The descriptions have been provided by the photographer, and have not been edited by Alberta Education.

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Last updated: May 30, 2008 | (Revision History)
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