3.S.8 |
- create visual images for particular audiences and purposes (ICT)
4.S.8 |
- organize and present information, taking particular audiences and purposes into consideration
- create visual images for particular audiences and purposes (ICT)
- communicate effectively through appropriate forms, such as speeches, reports and multimedia presentations, applying information technologies that serve particular audiences and purposes (ICT)
5.S.8 |
- select appropriate forms of delivery for written and oral information, taking particular audiences and purposes into consideration
- create visual images for particular audiences and purposes (ICT)
- communicate effectively through appropriate forms, such as speeches, reports and multimedia presentations, applying information technologies that serve particular audiences and purposes (ICT)
6.S.8 |
- express opinions and present perspectives and information in a variety of forms such as oral or written presentations, speeches or debates
- communicate effectively through appropriate forms, such as speeches, reports and multimedia presentations, applying information technologies that serve particular audiences and purposes (ICT)
7.S.8 |
- communicate information in a clear, persuasive and engaging manner, through written and oral means
7.S.9 |
- examine techniques used to enhance the authority and authenticity of media messages
8.S.8 |
- communicate in a persuasive and engaging manner through speeches, multimedia presentations and written and oral reports, taking particular audiences and purposes into consideration
8.S.9 |
- examine techniques used to enhance the authority and authenticity of media messages
9.S.8 |
- communicate in a persuasive and engaging manner through speeches, multimedia presentations and written and oral reports, taking particular audiences and purposes into consideration
9.S.9 |
- examine techniques used to enhance the authority and authenticity of media messages
10-1 S.8 |
- communicate effectively to express a point of view in a variety of situations
- understand that different types of information may be used to manipulate and control a message (e.g., graphics, photographs, graphs, charts and statistics) (ICT)
10-2 S.8 |
- communicate effectively in a variety of situations
20-1 S.8 |
- communicate effectively to express a point of view in a variety of situations
- understand that different types of information may be used to manipulate and control a message (e.g., graphics, photographs, graphs, charts and statistics) (ICT)
20-2 S.8 |
- communicate effectively in a variety of situations
30-1 S.8 |
- communicate effectively to express a point of view in a variety of situations
- understand that different types of information may be used to manipulate and control a message (e.g., graphics, photographs, graphs, charts and statistics) (ICT)
30-2 S.8 |
- communicate effectively in a variety of situations